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Conference Paper
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., Zoppi, M., and Zurlo, G., The PRIDE prototype: control layout of a parallel robot for assembly tasks, in Proc. of the 22nd IASTED Intl. Conf. Modelling, Identification and Control MIC2003, 2003, pp. 606–611.
Z. Ahmad, Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M., Preliminary Study on Fixture Layout Optimization Using Element Strain Energy, in International Conference on Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Venice, Italy, 2013, pp. 325-331.
G. A. Naselli, Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M., Preliminary design of a simplified pneumatic actuator, in Advances in Italian Mechanism Science: Proceedings of the First Conference of IFToMM Italy, 2016.
E. E. Cepolina, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., The pmarlab in humanitarian demining effort, in Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Robotics and mechanical assistance in humanitarian demining and in similar risky interventions, 2004, pp. 10–16.
K. Sagar, Zlatanov, D., Zoppi, M., Nattero, C., and Sreekumar, M., Path Planning of a Material Handling Agent With Novel Locomotion, in ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2016, pp. V004T05A007–V004T05A007.
K. Sagar, Zlatanov, D., Zoppi, M., Nattero, C., and Sreekumar, M., Path Planning of a Material Handling Agent With Novel Locomotion, in ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2016, pp. V004T05A007–V004T05A007.
L. Bruzzone, Lazzarotto, M. P., Molfino, R. M., Zoppi, M., and , Parallel robot for ambulance stretcher active suspension: mechanical modelling and simulation, in Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC2002), Innsbruck, Austria, 2002, pp. 474–478.
M. Zoppi, Bruzzone, L., and Molfino, R. M., A parallel hybrid machine for automated manufacturing of body panels of the aircraft Piaggio P180, in Parallel Kinematics Machines in Research and Practice Vol. 33, 2006, pp. 721–731.
G. G. Muscolo, De Leonardo, L., Pietronave, G., Dinale, A., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M., A Novel Robotic Handling Device integrated on a Freight Urban Robotic Vehicle, in TRA2014 Transport Research Arena 2014. Transport Solutions: from Research to Deployment - Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation. 14-17 Apr 2014 Paris La Défense (France)., 2014.
M. Zoppi, Bruzzone, L., Molfino, R. M., and , A novel 5-DoF Interconnected-Chains PKM for manufacturing of revolute surfaces, in 4th Chemnitzer parallel kinematik Seminar. Chemnitz, 2004, pp. 20–21.
A. Dinale, Molfino, R. M., Huang, P., and Zoppi, M., A New Robotized Vehicle For Urban Freight Transport, in The 15th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 2013, pp. 25-27.
R. M. Molfino, Zoppi, M., Carca, E., and Avvenente, R., A new handling system for textile/clothing industry, in Joint 41st International Symposium on Robotics and 6th German Conference on Robotics 2010, ISR/ROBOTIK 2010, 2010, pp. 501–506.
J. Masood, Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M., Multi-terrain vehicle active suspension control modeling and design, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ENGINEERING TECHNICAL CONFERENCES AND COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION IN ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 2011, VOL 3, PTS A AND B, 2011, pp. DETC2011/MESA-47468-1–DETC2011/MESA-47468-6.
R. M. Molfino, Carca, E., Zoppi, M., Bonsignorio, F., Callegari, M., Gabrielli, A., and Principi, M., A multi-agent 3D simulation environment for clothing industry, in International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots, 2008, pp. 53–64.
G. M. Acaccia, Bruzzone, L., Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Modular SMA-based matrix gripper for grasping and handling of limp materials, in Int. Conf. on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping IMG04, Genova, Italy, 2004, pp. 266–269.
R. M. Molfino, Zoppi, M., Costo, S., and Zurlo, G., Modular, reconfigurable prehensor for grasping and handling limp materials in the shoe industry, in Proc of the IMS International Forum 2004 Global Challenges in Manufacturing, 2004, pp. 417–423.
R. M. Molfino, Zoppi, M., Costo, S., and Zurlo, G., Modular, reconfigurable prehensor for grasping and handling limp materials in the shoe industry, in Proc of the IMS International Forum 2004 Global Challenges in Manufacturing, 2004, pp. 417–423.
M. Zoppi, Molfino, R. M., and Cerveri, P., Modular micro robotic instruments for transluminal endoscopic robotic surgery: new perspectives, in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, MESA 2010, 2010, pp. 440–445.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Modelling and control of peg-in-hole assembly performed by a translational robot, in Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC2002), 2002, pp. 512–517.
S. D’angella, Khan, A., Cepolina, F., and Zoppi, M., Modeling and control of a parallel robot for needle surgery, in International IEEE Conference on Automation and Robotics ICRA 2011, 2011, pp. 1–7.
M. Zoppi and Molfino, R. M., Micro L-gimbal parallel mechanism for the active support of a micro mirror, in Proc. of the 36th Int. Symposium on Robotics ISR05, 2005, pp. 1–6.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Mechatronic design of a parallel robot for high-speed, impedance-controlled manipulation, in Proc. of the 11th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2003, pp. 1–5.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Mechanical modelling and control layout of a Mini-PKM for assembly applications, in Proc. of the 25th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC 2006), 2006, pp. 236–242.
M. Zoppi, Bruzzone, L., Khan, A., and Molfino, R. M., Meccanismo ibrido per il supporto alla visione stereoscopica in ambiente sottomarino, in Atti XVII Congresso AIMETA di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata, 2005, pp. 77–77.
R. M. Molfino, Razzoli, R. P., and Zoppi, M., A low-cost reconfigurable gripper for assembly and disassembly tasks in white industry, in Proceedings of the 8th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO 2006, 2006, pp. 1–7.
