Today two of our PhD students succefully defended their thesis on 27 March 2019.
Jesus Hiram Lugo Calles presented a work related to the variable stiffness control.
Tahir Ahmad Mahmood presented a work on the topic of soft robotics. His thesis title is "Development of a Soft Pneumatic Actuator for Modular Robotic Mechanisms".
Congratulations to both of you! And wish you all the best for your future endeavours!
Trinh Duc Cuong presented his work on resolving main open problems in the geometric analysis of robots. His thesis title is "Geometric Perspective on Kinematics and Singularities of Spatial Mechanisms".
Keerthi Sagar presented his work on the topic of robot path planning. His thesis title is "Multi-Agent Path Planing for Mobile Robots with Discrete-Step Locomotion".
Congratulations to both of them! Best wishes for their future endeavors!
Studentsx of European Master on Advanced RObotics (EMARO) have presented their Masters Theses on 22 September 2017 at University of Genova, Genova, Italy. One of the students, Mohamed Sadiq Ikbal, has completed his work under PMAR Labs and successfully defended his thesis. Sadiq will continue his work with PMAR Robotics Group as a PhD student. Congratulations Sadiq.
Today two of our PhD students succefully defended their thesis.
Aiko Dinale presented a work related to the FURBOT project. Her thesis title is "Autonomous Docking in a Novel Electric Vehicle for Urban Freight Transport".
Giovanna Naselli presented a work on the topic of soft robotics. Her thesis title is "Methodological Contribution to the Design of Robot Soft Bodies".
Congratulations to both of you! And wish you all the best for the future!
Today Prof. Jian Dai from King's College of London visited our lab.
He gave much useful advice to our PhD students. We are looking forward to future collaboration!
During this session we had many students defending their thesis: 3 bachelor and 2 master.
Everybody did a really good job, congratulations to all of you!
Flavio Barbieri presented his master thesis entitled:
"Design and analysis of a prototype modular gropper and technical/economic comparison with a traditional and a commercial modular gripper"
(Italian title: Progettazione ed analisi di un prototupo di gripper modulare e contronto tecnico/economico con un gripper tradizional ed un gripper modulare commerciale)
His work has been done in collaboration with CRF, and it has been supervised by Matteo Zoppi, Giorgio Pietronave, Paolo Silvestri and Alessandro Zanella (CRF).
Federico Reggio presented his master thesis entitled:
"Identification of an incipient surge condition in a radial compressor through acoustic and vibration measurements"
(Italian title: Identificazione di una condizione d'incipiente pompaggio in un compressore radiale attraverso misure acustiche e di vibrazione)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Mario Luigi Ferrari.
Giacomo Gennari and Simone Ghettini presented their bachelor thesis entitled:
"Modelling, simulation and control of a tracked self-balancing platform"
(Italian title: Modellazione, simulazione e controllo di una piattaforma cingolata autobilanciante)
Their work has been supervised by Matteo Zoppi and Giorgio Cannata.
Paolo Nardelli presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Test of a shaft with interchangeable pins for the test machine rotor-kit"
(Italian title: Test di un albero a perni intercambiabili per la macchina di prova rotor-kit)
Their work has been supervised by Fabrizio Stefani, Paolo Silvestri and Simone Laiolo.
During this session we had many students defending their thesis: 2 bachelor and 1 master.
Everybody did a really good job, congratulations to all of you!
Marco Romano presented his master thesis entitled:
"Development of an automatic tool for the gearshift performance characterization of an automatic manual transmission"
(Italian title: Realizzazione di un Tool Automatico per la caratterizzazione delle performance di cambio marcia per una trasmissione di tipo Automatic Manual)
His work has been done in collaboration with Magneti Marelli and Teoresi, and it has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri, Giovanna Naselli, Giuseppe Medico (Magneti Marelli), Carmine Russo (Teoresi), Davide Correndo (Magneti Marelli).
Rebecca Colombo presented her bachelor thesis entitled:
"Development of an automatic tool for the gearshift performance characterization of an automatic manual transmission"
(Italian title: Realizzazione di un Tool Automatico per la caratterizzazione delle performance di cambio marcia per una trasmissione di tipo Automatic Manual)
Her work has been done in collaboration with Magneti Marelli and it has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Giuseppe Medico (Magneti Marelli).
Lorenzo Grasso presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Feasibility study of an automated power hammer based on accelerometer data acquired during manual manufacturing"
(Italian title: Studio di fattibilità di un maglio automatizzato a partire da misure accelerometriche rilevate durante lavorazione manuale)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri, Giovanna Naselli and Matteo Zoppi.
During this session we had many students defending their thesis: 4 bachelor and 2 master.
Everybody did a really good job, congratulations to all of you!
Thomas Fontana presented his master thesis entitled:
"Stereo vision system for autonomous detection of palletized freight"
His work has been carried out within the FURBOT framework project and it has been supervised by Matteo Zoppi, Silvio Sabatini and Aiko Dinale.
José Angel Flores Granados presented his master thesis entitled:
"Control of a three phase brushless DC motor"
His work has been done in collaboration with Swhard and it has been supervised by Matteo Zoppi and Egon Carusi (Swhard).
Gianluca Sartori presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Magnetic draft's mechanical and magneto-static study"
(Italian title: Studio meccanico e magneto-statico di frizioni magnetiche)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri.
Emanuela Bussino presented her bachelor thesis entitled:
"Study on the rotating machinery dynamic behavior through theoretical and experimental investigations of models"
(Italian title: Studio sul comportamento dinamico delle macchine rotanti attraverso indagini teoriche e sperimentale su modelli)
Her work has been done in collaboration with Ansaldo Energia (AEN) and it has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Marco Bevegni (AEN).
Pietro Timossi presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Identification of operating forcing through acceleration measurements of mechanical systems"
(Italian title: Identificazione delle forzanti operative mediante misure di accelerazione su sistemi meccanici)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Giovanna Naselli.
Giovanni Sobrero presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Preliminary investigation of the use of Voronoi diagram for the development of pneumatic actuators"
(Italian title: Studio preliminare sull'uso del diagramma di Voronoi per lo sviluppo di attuatori pneumatici)
His work has been supervised by Matteo Zoppi and Giovanna Naselli.
During this session we had many students defending their thesis: 9 bachelors and 1 master.
Everybody did a really good job, congratulations to all of you!
Pietro Gurnari presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Analysis of the acoustic behaviour of a microturbine by means of holographic technique"
(Italian title: Studio del comportamento acustico di una microturbina attraverso tecnica olografica)
His work has been done in collaboration with IIT and it has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Emanuele Guglielmino.
Alessandro Bagicalupo presented his master thesis entitled:
"Design and construction of a flapping-wing UAV"
(Italian title: Progetto e realizzazione di un drone ad ala battente)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Alessandro Bottaro.
Igino Zollo presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Vibrational analysis of a prototype aircraft"
(Italian title: Studio del comportamento vibrazionale di un velivolo prototipo)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri.
Andrea Toscano presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Vibration and noise measurements on an automotive turbocharger turbine in different operating conditions"
(Italian title: Misure di vibrazione e rumore su un turbogruppo di taglia automobilistica in diverse condizioni di funzionamento)
His work has supervised by Paolo Silvestri.
Giovanni Magliano presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Mechanical and performance analysis of a vibratory feeders"
(Italian title: Analisi meccanica e prestazionale di un “vibratory feeders”)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Pietro Giribone.
Damiano Coloretti presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Synthesis of a suspension system for an electric prototype vehicle for freight urban transport"
(Italian title: Sintesi di un sistema di sospensioni per un veicolo prototipo elettrico per trasporto merci in ambiente urbano)
His work has been carried out within the FURBOT framework project and it has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Matteo Zoppi.
Michael Romano presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Experimental investigation on the vibratory behavior Of A microturbine For The Production Of Localized Energy"
(Italian title: Indagine Sperimentale Sul Comportamento Vibratorio Di Una Microturbina Per La Produzione Localizzata Di Energia)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri.
Francesco Bigiolli and Davide Pennacchi presented their bachelor thesis entitled:
"Theoretical and experimental study on the vibrational behavior of a plate for naval applications"
(Italian title: Studio teorico sperimentale sul comportamento vibrazionale di una piastra per applicazioni navali)
Their work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri and Tatiana Pais.
Paolo Bianchino presented his bachelor thesis entitled:
"Experimental modal analysis on a high-performance motorcycle frame"
(Italian title: Analisi modale sperimentale sul telaio di una motocicletta ad alte prestazioni)
His work has been supervised by Paolo Silvestri.
FURBOT partecipated to the event "Urban Expo Experience" @ Genova Smart Week, held in Piazza Caricamento (Genoa) on 27-28 May 2016.
Luckily we had two nice and sunny days and our prototype catched the attention of few curious people.
An article presenting the project has been published on a local journal.
A short video has been uploaded on our Youtube channel.