Journal Article
G. A. Naselli, Rimassa, L., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
“A variable stiffness joint with superelastic material”,
Meccanica, vol. 52, pp. 781–793, 2017.
B. Han, Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
“Variable impedance actuation meso-micro physical models and rotation link using biphasic media”,
International Conference, Procedia Engineering, vol. 64, pp. 1020-1029, 2013.
M. Sreekumar, Nagarajan, T., Singaperumal, M., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
“Training of a fuzzy logic controller using table lookup scheme for the control of SMA actuators”,
Int. J. of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 5, pp. 335-353, 2006.
M. Zoppi, Khan, A., Schaefer, F., and Molfino, R. M.,
“Toward lean minimally invasive robotic surgery”,
Robotica, vol. 28, pp. 185-197, 2010.
L. De Leonardo, Zoppi, M., Xiong, L., Zlatanov, D., and Molfino, R. M.,
“SwarmItFIX: a multi-robot-based reconfigurable fixture”,
Int. J. Industrial Robot, vol. 40, pp. 320–328, 2013.
L. De Leonardo, Zoppi, M., Xiong, L., Zlatanov, D., and Molfino, R. M.,
“SwarmItFIX: a multi-robot-based reconfigurable fixture”,
Int. J. Industrial Robot, vol. 40, pp. 320–328, 2013.
G. A. Naselli, Polentes, G. B., Cepolina, E. E., and Zoppi, M.,
“A Simple Procedure For Designing Blast Resistant Wheels”,
Procedia Engineering, vol. 64, pp. 1543 - 1551, 2013.
R. M. Molfino, Zoppi, M., Rimassa, L., and Cepolina, E. E.,
“A robotic worms colony for inspection of risky, difficult to enter sites”,
Int. European J. of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 18-25, 2010.
F. Cepolina, Moronti, M., Sanguineti, M., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
“Roboclimber versus landslides”,
Int. J. IEEE Robotics&Automation Magazine, vol. 13, pp. 23-31, 2006.
R. M. Molfino, Armada, M., Cepolina, F., and Zoppi, M.,
“Roboclimber, the 3 tons spider”,
Int. J. Industrial Robots, vol. 32, pp. 163-170, 2005.
M. Moronti, Sanguineti, M., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
“Roboclimber: proposal for online gait planning”,
Climbing and Walking Robots, pp. 997–1003, 2005.