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M. Zoppi and Molfino, R. M., Micro meccanismo parallelo a tre gradi di liberta‘ a membri flessibili. Italian Patent Office P.N. IT2005GE00080, 2005.
F. Morra, Molfino, R. M., and Cepolina, F., Miniature gripping device, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping (IMG 04), Genova, Italy, 2004, pp. 1–2.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., MiniPaR: minirobot per il montaggio di precisione. 2005.
R. Zannini, Molfino, R. M., Rizzi, E., Pezzuto, G., Armada, M., and Comacchio, P., Mobile basket for consolidation work on walls. Google Patents, 2006.
R. Zannini, Molfino, R. M., Rizzi, E., Pezzuto, G., Armada, M., and Comacchio, P., Mobile basket for consolidation work on walls. Google Patents, 2011.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Razzoli, R. P., Modeling and design of a parallel robot for laser-cutting applications, in International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control (IASTED�02), 2002, pp. 518–522.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Modelling and control of peg-in-hole assembly performed by a translational robot, in Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC2002), 2002, pp. 512–517.
M. Zoppi, Molfino, R. M., and Cerveri, P., Modular micro robotic instruments for transluminal endoscopic robotic surgery: new perspectives, in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, MESA 2010, 2010, pp. 440–445.
R. M. Molfino, Zoppi, M., Costo, S., and Zurlo, G., Modular, reconfigurable prehensor for grasping and handling limp materials in the shoe industry, in Proc of the IMS International Forum 2004 Global Challenges in Manufacturing, 2004, pp. 417–423.
L. Rimassa, Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M., A Modular Serpentine Rescue Robot with Climbing Ability, Int. J. Industrial Robots, vol. 36, pp. 370-376, 2009.
G. M. Acaccia, Bruzzone, L., Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Modular SMA-based matrix gripper for grasping and handling of limp materials, in Int. Conf. on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping IMG04, Genova, Italy, 2004, pp. 266–269.
R. M. Molfino, Carca, E., Zoppi, M., Bonsignorio, F., Callegari, M., Gabrielli, A., and Principi, M., A multi-agent 3D simulation environment for clothing industry, in International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots, 2008, pp. 53–64.
M. Zoppi and Molfino, R. M., Multi-Legged multi-Roped Walking and Climbing Robots: online Static Equilibrium Analysis, Int. J. Advanced Robotics, vol. 20, pp. 165-180, 2006.
J. Masood, Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M., Multi-terrain vehicle active suspension control modeling and design, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ENGINEERING TECHNICAL CONFERENCES AND COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION IN ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 2011, VOL 3, PTS A AND B, 2011, pp. DETC2011/MESA-47468-1–DETC2011/MESA-47468-6.
S. Lu, Zlatanov, D., Ding, X., and Molfino, R. M., A new family of deployable mechanisms based on the Hoekens linkage, Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 73, pp. 130-153, 2014.
R. M. Molfino, Zoppi, M., Carca, E., and Avvenente, R., A new handling system for textile/clothing industry, in Joint 41st International Symposium on Robotics and 6th German Conference on Robotics 2010, ISR/ROBOTIK 2010, 2010, pp. 501–506.
A. Dinale, Molfino, R. M., Huang, P., and Zoppi, M., A New Robotized Vehicle For Urban Freight Transport, in The 15th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation, 2013, pp. 25-27.
L. Costa, Molfino, R. M., and Scasso, M., A new software to evaluate preheat temperature and cost, Welding in the World, vol. 46, pp. 28–34, 2002.
M. Zoppi, Bruzzone, L., Molfino, R. M., and , A novel 5-DoF Interconnected-Chains PKM for manufacturing of revolute surfaces, in 4th Chemnitzer parallel kinematik Seminar. Chemnitz, 2004, pp. 20–21.
S. Lu, Zlatanov, D., Ding, X., Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., A novel deployable mechanism with two decoupled degrees of freedom, Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE, p. 13187, 2013.
S. Lu, Zlatanov, D., Ding, X., Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Novel deployable mechanisms with decoupled degrees-of-freedom, JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS, vol. 8, pp. 021008-1–021008-9, 2016.
L. Bruzzone and Molfino, R. M., A novel parallel robot for current microassembly applications, Assembly Automation, vol. 26, pp. 299–306, 2006.
S. Lu, Zlatanov, D., Ding, X., and Molfino, R. M., A novel prism deployable mechanism based on straight-line mechanism, International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems, vol. 1, pp. 185-201, 2013.
G. G. Muscolo, De Leonardo, L., Pietronave, G., Dinale, A., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M., A Novel Robotic Handling Device integrated on a Freight Urban Robotic Vehicle, in TRA2014 Transport Research Arena 2014. Transport Solutions: from Research to Deployment - Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation. 14-17 Apr 2014 Paris La Défense (France)., 2014.
