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L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., Acaccia, G. M., Michelini, R. C., and Razzoli, R. P., A tethered climbing robot for firming up high-steepness rocky walls, in Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 2000, pp. 307–312.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., Zoppi, M., and Zurlo, G., Sviluppo di un robot parallelo a tre gradi di libertà con controllo di impedenza, in Atti del XVI Congresso dell‘Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica ed Applicata, 2003, pp. 1–8.
L. Bruzzone and Molfino, R. M., Special-purpose parallel robot for active suspension of ambulance stretchers., International Journal of Robotics and Automation, vol. 18, pp. 121–130, 2003.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., Zoppi, M., and Zurlo, G., The PRIDE prototype: control layout of a parallel robot for assembly tasks, in Proc. of the 22nd IASTED Intl. Conf. Modelling, Identification and Control MIC2003, 2003, pp. 606–611.
M. Zoppi, Bruzzone, L., and Molfino, R. M., Position Analysis of a Class of Translational Parallel Mechanisms, Int. Jour. of Robotics and Automation, vol. 19, pp. 111-116, 2004.
L. Bruzzone, Lazzarotto, M. P., Molfino, R. M., Zoppi, M., and , Parallel robot for ambulance stretcher active suspension: mechanical modelling and simulation, in Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC2002), Innsbruck, Austria, 2002, pp. 474–478.
M. Zoppi, Bruzzone, L., and Molfino, R. M., A parallel hybrid machine for automated manufacturing of body panels of the aircraft Piaggio P180, in Parallel Kinematics Machines in Research and Practice Vol. 33, 2006, pp. 721–731.
L. Bruzzone and Molfino, R. M., A novel parallel robot for current microassembly applications, Assembly Automation, vol. 26, pp. 299–306, 2006.
M. Zoppi, Bruzzone, L., Molfino, R. M., and , A novel 5-DoF Interconnected-Chains PKM for manufacturing of revolute surfaces, in 4th Chemnitzer parallel kinematik Seminar. Chemnitz, 2004, pp. 20–21.
G. M. Acaccia, Bruzzone, L., Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Modular SMA-based matrix gripper for grasping and handling of limp materials, in Int. Conf. on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping IMG04, Genova, Italy, 2004, pp. 266–269.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Modelling and control of peg-in-hole assembly performed by a translational robot, in Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC2002), 2002, pp. 512–517.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Razzoli, R. P., Modeling and design of a parallel robot for laser-cutting applications, in International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control (IASTED�02), 2002, pp. 518–522.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., MiniPaR: minirobot per il montaggio di precisione. 2005.
P. Anthoine, Bruzzone, L., Cepolina, F., Molfino, R. M., and , Metodologia di progettazione meccatronica per robotica di servizio, in Sistemi Autonomi Intelligenti e Robotica Avanzata (Conferenza Nazionale), 2002.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Mechatronic design of a parallel robot for high-speed, impedance-controlled manipulation, in Proc. of the 11th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2003, pp. 1–5.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Mechanical modelling and control layout of a Mini-PKM for assembly applications, in Proc. of the 25th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC 2006), 2006, pp. 236–242.
M. Zoppi, Bruzzone, L., Khan, A., and Molfino, R. M., Meccanismo ibrido per il supporto alla visione stereoscopica in ambiente sottomarino, in Atti XVII Congresso AIMETA di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata, 2005, pp. 77–77.
L. Bruzzone and Zoppi, M., Manipolatore robotico cartesiano a giunti flessibili per la automazione di operazioni su parti di piccole dimensioni. 2005.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Kinematic modelling and simulation of a novel Interconnected-Chains PKM, in Proc. of the 23rd International Conference Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC 2004), 2004, pp. 307–312.
L. Bruzzone, Michelini, R. C., Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Innovative parallel architecture for force-controlled industrial applications, in Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC2001), 2001, pp. 711–713.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., An impedance-controlled parallel robot for high-speed assembly of white goods, INDUSTRIAL ROBOT, vol. 32, pp. 226–233, 2005.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., Zoppi, M., and Zurlo, G., Experimental tests on the prototype of an impedance controlled three-degree-of-freedom parallel robot, in Proc. of the 12th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region RAAD 2003, 2003, pp. 1–6.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., Experimental results of an impedance-controlled PKM for assembly tasks, in Proc. of the 24th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control (MIC 2005), 2005, pp. 283–287.
M. Zoppi, Sgarbi, S., Molfino, R. M., and Bruzzone, L., Equilibrium analysis of quasi-static, multi-roped walking robots, in Int. Conf. Climbing and Walking robots and the support technology for mobile machines CLAWAR03, Catania, Italy: , 2003, pp. 259-266.
L. Bruzzone, Molfino, R. M., and Zoppi, M., A discrete event simulation package for modular and adaptive assembly plants, in Proc. of the 22nd IASTED Intl. Conf. Modelling, Identification and Control MIC2003, 2003, pp. 280–282.
