Journal Article
G. A. Naselli, Rimassa, L., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
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B. Han, Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
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M. Sreekumar, Nagarajan, T., Singaperumal, M., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
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M. Zoppi, Khan, A., Schaefer, F., and Molfino, R. M.,
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L. De Leonardo, Zoppi, M., Xiong, L., Zlatanov, D., and Molfino, R. M.,
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R. C. Michelini, Acaccia, G. M., Callegari, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
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G. M. Acaccia, Michelini, R. C., Molfino, R. M., and Rossi, G.,
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F. Becchi, Michelini, R. C., Molfino, R. M., and Razzoli, R. P.,
“SARA: a robotic system for cars fuelling”,
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R. M. Molfino, Zoppi, M., Rimassa, L., and Cepolina, E. E.,
“A robotic worms colony for inspection of risky, difficult to enter sites”,
Int. European J. of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 18-25, 2010.
G. G. Muscolo, Recchiuto, C. T., Campatelli, G., and Molfino, R. M.,
“A robotic social reciprocity in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”,
LNAI-Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 574–575, 2013.
F. Cepolina, Moronti, M., Sanguineti, M., Zoppi, M., and Molfino, R. M.,
“Roboclimber versus landslides”,
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